The Great Reveal | Launching a Brand New Blog

Drumroll please…..

“I hereby announce the official Grand Opening of Jaime Lauren photography’s new blog”!

Cue ribbon cutting, champagne toasts all around, and bit of pompous trumpet fanfare.

Actually, it’s 4:50pm on a partially cloudy Monday afternoon here in Livermore and I’m surrounded by my books, cameras, the guest bed to my right and Will’s desk to my left.  Birds are chirping outside and I can hear kids playing down the street.  My water glass needs a refill.


So maybe the official launch of my new blog isn’t THAT exciting right here from my home office, but I do intend to make up for that by ensuring you all have a chance to get in on a few sweet giveaways throughout the month of May.  All the action will begin right here this Friday, so spread the word and get your lovely selves back here to celebrate with me!

In the meantime, take a look around.  I hope you love the scale of the photos, (go big, or go home, I say!) links to resources for both Brides and Photographers, and the new look in general.  Oh and if you’re wondering what happened to the old blog, it’s still in the same place and you’re more than welcome to go back and peruse the archives!

